We would like others to adopt our “Clinical Audit Platform” and to pitch it more as a product. For the two audits we have done so far, Epilepsy12 and NPDA, we have written the software bespoke. Some common layers do exist (eg our Organisations API) but the majority of the code is custom.
To successfully attack new projects now is probably the time to think about building a true “base” clinical audit platform. The good thing about audits is that they have public websites that usually document what data is gathered, how it’s gathered and how they do reporting.
This post is essentially market research, gathering together as many clinical audits as I can find to feed in to the design of our base platform.
Epilepsy12 (RCPCH)
- Comissioning body: HQIP
- Reporting frequency: quarterly, with a more detailed report annually
- Data collection: manual using website
- Countries: England, Wales, Jersey
Epilepsy12 splits data collection into “cohorts”. Data is gathered about care of the patient from the “first paediatric assessment date” through to a year later. Each cohort runs from December to the subsequent November, with a grace period to submit data up until the following April. They can and do extend the deadline, although the cohort dates are fixed.
As well as patient led data, they also collect a yearly “Organisational Audit” describing the capabilities of each organisation.
The audit has permission to gather personal information in addition to NHS number and patient location (first name, last name etc). Opt out is done by each clinical team or by contacting the audit management team. The National Data Opt-Out does not apply.
It has a mixture of observations with dates and those without. Some observations are categorised by SNOMED codes, with the list curated manually. Due to the pace of genetic research, some causes are not identifiable by code.
The audit defines KPIs, mostly standard fractions. Organisations are scored by KPI and can compare their score against their parent trust (local health board in Wales), integrated care board in England, Paediatric Epilepsy Network and finally nationally. There is no penalty for KPI performance.
- Comissioning body: HQIP
- Reporting frequency: quarterly, with a more detailed report annually
- Data collection: manual using website (CSV upload available)
- Countries: England, Wales, Jersey
NPDA collects data as annual submissions, with quarterly reporting. Data is gathered about “Visits”: each an interaction with the patient. There are some additional dated observations within each visit and those dates are not necessarily the same as the visit date.
Data is uploaded via CSV file or by manually entering data into the website. Some EPR software like Twinkle can export the CSV files. Some organisations have their own scripts to do it.
The audit does not have permission to gather personal information beyond NHS number, patient location and the location of their GP practice.Opt out is done by each clinical team or by contacting the audit management team. The National Data Opt-Out does not apply.
The audit defines KPIs, mostly standard fractions. The base level of organisation is the “Paediatric Diabetes Unit”, with reporting also done at integrated care board, regional and national levels. There are financial penalties for KPI performance.
Comissioning body: HQIP
Reporting frequency: monthly, with detailed annual report
Data collection: automatic from BadgerNet
Countries: England, Scotland, Wales
- NNAP data flow and methodology | RCPCH
- https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2025-01/2024_nnap_audit_measures_guide_v1.2.pdf
Data is exported directly from BadgerNet. Analysis is then performed by the RCPCH.
Opt out is done by ticking a box in BadgerNet.
Reporting is published via a public access PowerBI dashboard and a more detailed private one, accessible only to neonatal units and networks.
The annual report details and graphs each measure, summarising by “neonatal network”. https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-10/nnap_2023_data_extended_analysis_report_v2.pdf.
This audit is unlike the other RCPCH audits as it has no user facing data gathering website.