Invald API/Subscription Key


I am getting the following error:
{“message”:“Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription.”,“statusCode”:401}

This used to work absolutely fine. I’ve tried regenerating my API key and using a new one and tried using the secondary key. I’ve not changed anything else. Any suggestions please? I am using the free tier and its in my account and I can see the key under my account.

Ok will look into it, which email address or so name did you use for that API key? I’ll look at the APIM backend but it will probably be tomorrow.

Name on the account is Aakash Amlani

Hi @aaml sorry for the issues with your API key, we’ve moved to a new instance of our API management platform and I didn’t migrate across your key.

I’ve now set it up on the new platform, let me know if you have any further issues.

Hi, I’m using the key from my account on here but I still get the same error - no valid subscription key.

Sorry Aakash I’m not sure what has gone wrong here.

I’ve checked the keys associated with both your accounts and they are working:

  • @aaml (key starts 034)
  • @aml (key starts ea5)
  • We also have a key migrated from the old platform (starts b72)

Let me know which one you are using and if you’re still seeing issues. If it’s none of the above please post the first three characters of the key and I can look further.